

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, October 31, 2016

‘China on European shopping tour’: Takeovers of EU companies

The Road to Serfdom

  • The world is moving toward a modern form of Neo-Serfdom where everyone works for the all-powerful State, businesses controlled by the State or businesses that have bought "protection" from the State.  
  • Freedom is slowly vanishing.  What happens when the major employers are owned by government backed investment groups, or your food comes from government owned farms, or your news is delivered by so-called "private" corporations that are in reality connected and interconnected to governments?
  • George Orwell had a name for it:  Big Brother.  Benito Mussolini had a name too: Corporatism or Fascism.

(RT News)  -  German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has urged the European Union to adopt a tougher approach with China, citing his concerns over Beijing gaining the West's “strategically important key technologies.” He warned China’s WTO status was at stake.
“China itself is going on a shopping tour here with a long list of interesting companies – with the clear intention of acquiring strategically important key technologies,” the German official wrote in a guest column for Die Welt newspaper, as cited by Reuters.
The minister said the EU should review its policies towards the eastern trade partner, having accused Beijing of “foul play.” Gabriel claimed China obstructs direct investments into its companies from European partners and applies “discriminatory requirements” to foreign takeovers.
The German government can only block takeovers with potential risks to energy security, defense or financial stability, Reuters reported. The economy minister, who is also the country’s vice chancellor and leader of the Social Democratic Party, has curbed some latest takeovers of German technology companies by China.
Yet, so far in 2016, 47 deals worth a total of €10.3 billion ($11.3 billion) have been secured by Chinese investors “shopping” in Germany, according to Thomson Reuters data. The numbers show a steep increase from 2015, when 29 deals worth a combined €263 million were inked.
The trend has so disturbed the German official that he has warned Beijing might not gain important World Trade Organization (WTO) “market economy status.” China expects to be granted the status after its 15 years of WTO membership this year, but the German politician said in an interview with national media it “has to act accordingly.”
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Communist Bacon
The Chinese Communist Party is working with so-called "private" 
Chinese companies to buy up companies all over the world.  
The Shuanghui company purchased Smithfield food products.

The fact that Shuanghui is effectively controlled by the 
Chinese government means that it presents a national security 
threat to the United States.
The top executive at Shuanghui “is a high-ranking member 
of the Chinese Communist Party,” Mr. Slane said, and he was 
appointed to that job by the party. “If he does not do what they say, 
hey will remove him or worse.”
See our article

The Chinese Communist Party is censoring American Movies
MGM, the studio behind the remake of the 1984 movie "Red Dawn,"
digitally altered the Chinese invaders attacking the U.S. to make them
North Koreans reports the 
Los Angeles Times.

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Clintons are a 'crime family' says ex-FBI official

Michael:  My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams:  Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael:  Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?

(The Hill)  -  A former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a “crime family” and argued top officials hindered the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of State.
During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom heaped praise on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump before taking aim at the Clintons.
“The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically,” Kallstrom said. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.”
Kallstrom, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late '90s, said that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, was a “pathological liar.”
He also blasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch, claiming that she impeded the investigation into Clinton’s private server.
“The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation,” he said. “That’s the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I’m sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go along with that.”
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Michael Savage: The Emasculation of America

'Islamists produce strapping young men while America produces sensitive crybabies'

(World Net Daily)  -  Most people would not connect abortion to radical Islam, but Michael Savage is not most people.
The popular talk radio host and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author looks around the world and sees the Muslim population skyrocketing while the native-born American birthrate declines, and he sees the destiny those demographic trends will bring if the U.S. does not change course.
This is one of the many American problems Dr. Savage diagnoses in his new book “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama.”
And autographed copies of this critical election-year tome are available only at the WND Superstore.
“There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world,” Savage writes. “The United States has, at last count, a population of 320 million people… There are roughly four times as many Muslims as Americans. They keep adding to their ranks, and we keep importing illegals because our people eliminate their own babies.
“At this rate we will go the way of Europistan. Italy has had a declining birthrate in recent years. Europe is finished. Its citizens refuse to reproduce while Islamist women keep churning out the next generation of radical Islamists.”
The data back up Savage’s contention. In the first quarter of this year, the U.S. birthrate fell to its lowest point since the government started keeping track in 1909. There were 59.8 births per 1,000 women age 15 to 44.
Muslim women, on the other hand, remain fertile. The Pew Research Center reported last year each Muslim woman worldwide has an average of 3.1 children, higher than the average of all non-Muslims (2.3). Furthermore, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.
Pew projected the world’s Muslim population will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2010 and 2050, increasing the Islamic share of the world population from 23.2 percent to 29.7 percent.
Meanwhile, the CDC has reported 18 percent of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, there have been 54 million abortions. As Savage notes, we have voluntarily killed off between 15 and 20 percent of today’s population.
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Comics

First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday

FLASHBACK - Communist Chinese / Harry Reid Corruption

Corruption cover up by the 
Corporate Media Complex

The endless, 24-7 media attacks on Donald Trump needs to be understood in a larger context.

What we are reading and viewing is the corrupt product produced by the Government Media Complex which is owned by multi-national corporations and Oligarch Billionaires looking to profit from their connections to the bipartisan Republicrat machine.

The story of Democrat Senator Harry Reid in bed with the Communists should have been front page news and the focus of TV news and attacks by every Republican. But the Government Media Complex protects its own and the GOP proved by their silence there there is only one party - The Republicrats.

Only through the free Internet news media do we have any chance of getting honest reporting. So believe NOTHING that comes from the Media Machine.  NOTHING.

Flashback Must See Video
Sen. Reid Chinese Gov't Takeover of Ranch For Solar Farm.
A 2014 report ignored by both the Corporate Media
and the corrupt GOP which is in bed with Harry
Reed and the Democrats.

Wikileaks’ Assange Promises Hillary’s Arrest With Next Release

Wikileaks Julian Assange held prisoner inside the Ecuadorian embassy on the orders of Comrade Obama and the other Western Oligarchs.

The Clinton empire is crumbling.

(Truth Revolt)  -  It's been a devastating Friday for the Hillary Clinton campaign. First, the FBI re-opened the investigation into her e-mail scandal and now, Julian Assange has promised that what’s in the next batch of e-mails to be published to Wikileaks will lead to her arrest.
Since the first week of October, there have been 21 batches released totaling 35,594 e-mails. According to a message on Twitter, there are more than 50,000 remaining:

In a broadcast for Russia Today, a London reporter said, “Assange will be releasing more material in what he says will provide enough evidence to see Hillary Clinton arrested.”
These will be the nail in Hillary Clinton’s coffin, she added.
Assange assured Russia has no involvement in his e-mail hacking like Democrats are claiming. The DNC servers, he said, were “ripe for hacking” and “riddled with holes.”
Video below:

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Hillary for Prison Float
Courtesy Matthew Rezab, The Carroll Daily Times Herald

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday Sultress - Lynda Carter

A Blast From The Past

  • In many ways the TV series Wonder Woman was beyond horrible. But that cannot be helped. It was a creature of its time. Still Lynda Carter provided millions of teenage boys countless hours of nighttime fantasies.

Lynda Carter (born Linda Jean Córdova Carter; July 24, 1951) is an American actress, singer, songwriter and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss World America 1972 and also the star of the TV series Wonder Woman from 1975 to 1979.

Carter was born in Phoenix, Arizona, the daughter of Juanita (née Córdova) and Colby Carter. Her father is of English and Scots-Irish ancestry, and her mother is of MexicanSpanish and French descent.

Breasts-Waist-Hips:37-25-35 inches (94-64-89 cm)