

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Andrew Napolitano - The Beginning of the End of American Liberty

The men who brought Big Government to America

"The radical change in the relationship of the federal government to individual Americans was ratcheted up greatly in the Progressive Era," argues Judge Andrew Napolitano in his new book, Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom.

The first decades of the 20th century saw an assault on individual liberties that was both unconstitutional and unprecedented in American history. From crackdowns on freedom of speech to the seizures of vast swaths of land, Judge Napolitano shows how the policies of two presidents from opposing parties laid the groundwork for a century of ever-expanding federal power.

Judge Napolitano
How Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson Destroyed Constitutional Freedom.

New Book by Andrew Napolitano
Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

New Book From Judge Andrew P. Napolitano Reveals How Two U.S. Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedoms and Paved the Way for Today’s Assault on Liberty.

They are two of America’s most celebrated presidents. One, a Republican who had a storied military career, created the American conservation movement and once gave a speech after being shot by a would-be assassin.

The other, a Democrat who overcame dyslexia as a child only to lead America to victory in World War I and formulate the idea of an international body of nations dedicated to the preservation of peace.

These are the tales all American schoolchildren are taught about Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. However, they are also a whitewashed view of two U.S. presidents who, more than any other, set the United States on a path of expansionist government that has given us anti-liberty policies like Obamacare.

Theodore Roosevelt  -  The Birth of Big Government
 His "Square Deal" included Federal regulation of what private railroad companies were allowed to charge their customers, Federal controls over foods and drugs and he dissolved 40 monopolistic corporations as a "trust buster."

In his new book, Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedoms (Thomas Nelson, 2012), New York Times best-selling author Judge Andrew P. Napolitano uncovers the sad truth about these two iconic U.S. presidents. Judge Napolitano takes readers through the history of these men and reveals how the Constitution was set aside, leaving personal freedom as a shadow of its former self, in the grip of an insidious, nanny state, progressive ideology.

“This is not a biography of either Wilson or Roosevelt,” writes Judge Napolitano. “This is, quite simply, a case against them. A case you have not seen if you were educated in America’s public schools; a case you will appreciate if you think the federal government today is too big and too rich and too controlling and if you want to understand how it got that way.”

With an academic’s adherence to research and an activist’s defense of freedom, Judge Napolitano methodically presents his case against Roosevelt and Wilson, presidents who came from both political parties but who shared a fundamental indifference to the Constitution. Under both the Roosevelt and Wilson Administrations, the United States experienced a revolution no less dramatic than the revolution that founded our nation.

Woodrow Wilson - The King of Big Government
Imprisoned feminists, imprisoned Eugene Debs, a major candidate for President, the Wilson administration implemented a policy of racial segregation for federal employees.
Wilson pushed through Congress the Sedition Act of 1918 that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds."
It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for 5 to 20 years.

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