

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Covid Marxist TYRANNY that will never end

Stop Watching Corporate TV News

The Sheeple need to start thinking for themselves. To do that they must stop watching the corrupt liars on Corporate TV news from FOX to CNN to ABC and switch to independent internet news.

But also the Sheeple need to connect the dots.

1) MARXISTS, protected by Democrats, burned down American cities, murdered people and destroyed businesses.

2) MARXISTS put entire states under house arrest and closed schools.

3) MARXISTS abolished freedom of religion, closed down churches and even banned religious singing.

4) MARXISTS illegally closed down private businesses.

5) MARXISTS shut down freedom of speech.

But Best of All

These very same MARXISTS now demand that your inject yourself with chemicals produced by their Corporate campaign contributors. 

In return for surrendering control of your body Big Brother will give you a permission slip allowing you to work, travel or go to a limited seating sporting event. . . . . and if you are a good little Slave maybe, just maybe, you can eat inside at a restaurant.

Welcome to a future that combines 1984 with 1920s Mussolini Fascism enforced by Red Guard BLM-ANTIFA street thugs.

And the Sheeple line up for their drugs.

This Will NEVER END! - Covid TYRANNY On The Rise As "CASES" FALL! - What's NEXT?

World Economic Forum Backpedals

You can lead the Sheeple to knowledge but you can't make them think.

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