

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 15, 2021

Now plants and flowers are "racist"

The Entire World is Fucking Nuts
  • No one, and I mean no one, has the guts to stand up and tell these psychos to go screw themselves.

(Summit News)  -  Kew Gardens in London is to change labels on its plants and flowers in order to inform visitors on how racist they are.

Yes, really.

The popular attraction, which welcomes over 2 million visitors a year from all over the world, is set to “change display boards for plants such as sugar cane – previously harvested by slaves – to highlight their ‘imperial legacy’”, reports the Daily Mail.

According to Kew director Richard Deverell, the change is part of an effort to “move quickly to decolonise collections.”

The change happened after managers at Kew consulted with Ajay Chhabra, “an actor with an insight into how sugar cane was linked to slavery.”

This is yet another capitulation to woke mobs who are trying to subvert the United Kingdom and make its population ashamed of their heritage and birthright, despite the fact that Britain was the first major country in the world to end slavery.

Brits like William Wilberforce literally risked their lives to travel to the colonies and free slaves.

The purpose of activist efforts to push for “decolonisation” is actually just reverse cultural colonisation by the woke mob.


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