

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, March 25, 2021

WTF? Taxpayer-Funded NPR Goes After Alex Jones' Income

And the Fucking GOP does nothing
For years Conservative voice after Conservative voice have been deplatformed, had their finances attacked and the so-called "Conservative" GOP does absolutely fucking nothing.
A "Crazy" Blogger like me might conclude that the GOP does nothing because it views Conservative voters as their enemy.

(Gateway Pundit)  -  Taxpayer-funded NPR went after Alex Jones and Infowars on Wednesday.

Correspondent Tom Dreisbach wrote a hit piece on Infowars in an attempt to ruin the company and silence Alex Jones once and for all.

Dreisbach has a long history of attacking conservatives and Trump supporters. In fact, that’s all he does if you look at this author page.

On Wednesday Dreisbach pointed out in his hit piece that Amazon still carries Infowars merchandise. He wants that stopped.

Tom Dreisbach wants Alex Jones and his popular channel Infowars ruined and silenced.

When have we ever seen this in American history?

Via NPR:

The far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Spotify and even PayPal for violating those sites’ policies against hate speech. But Jones continues to have a platform to sell expensive dietary supplements through one of the world’s biggest online retailers: Amazon.

Just as Amazon provides massive third-party sellers — such as Starbucks, Coca-Cola or Apple — with their own online storefronts, Jones’ Infowars Store has a home on the site, too. There, he sells products such as “Super Male Vitality” drops, “Lung Cleanse Plus Spray” and “Prostaguard” pills.

“Thank you for supporting the Infowar!” the storefront states above its listings, suggesting that Jones is not just selling supplements but providing a path for consumers to fund his extremist causes. Meanwhile, Amazon provides support to Jones and gets a percentage of all the sales — called a “referral fee” — as it does with all third-party sellers. For supplements priced over $10, the referral fee is 15%.

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