

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Democrats hand out $20 gift cards to "contact trace"

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Be Afraid

(CBSLA) — County public health officials are stepping up its COVID-19 contact tracing efforts to the tune of $10 million.

Infections continue to go up throughout Los Angeles County, which has seen four days of new highs in the past week. So Los Angeles County’s Department of Public Health says they will put more effort into contact tracing, the investigation of infections and outbreaks to help prevent further spread.

The county says they have identified 2,500 contact tracers, 1,600 of whom are currently working, while the rest are in training. But that army of contact tracers is responding to more than 1,000 outbreaks, receiving information on nearly 3,000 new cases every day, and on some days, more than 4,000.

Contact tracing, however, has been hampered by a lack of contact information and willingness to undergo the lengthy interview.

. . . . the Department of Public Health is allocating $10 million to community-based organizations to help with communications, navigations and case management. The funds will also help make sure residents are connected to services and support if they need to isolate or quarantine.

The county will also offer a $20 gift card as an incentive for full participation in the contact tracing interview process, which officials acknowledge can be stressful and requires people to pore through their calendars, work schedules and other documents.


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