Dem and GOP Elites Risk Revolution
- Both parties have proved they don't give a shit about the Constitution and the American people.
- Marxist Democrat Governors adopted dictatorship like a duck to water. But "Conservative" GOP Governors in Texas, Arizona, Maryland and Florida wasted no time in illegally closing businesses and putting millions under house arrest.
(WND) - It says a lot when blue-state elected officials are willing to use police power to compel an election outcome.
Most governors' emergency powers expire after 30 days. The reason? The executive can't make laws. The executive can only enforce laws. A 30-day window provides adequate time for the affected state's legislature to meet and enact the laws they see fit with an expiration-date clause. The governor can then sign and legally enforce those laws until they expire.
Today we have apparently reached the point in time when blue-state legislatures have conspired with their governors to create a monarchy form of government.

How nice. For them. The constitutions, state and federal, be damned. Under a monarchy, whoever is in power does whatever he or she pleases. "May it please the king, My Lord or Lady, let me speak!" "No, it does not please me. Shut up and go home, peasant." That approach has never worked well in America.
Periods of time like this are very dangerous. On the surface it appears that the population has accepted the ruling elites' change of government structure from a republic to a monarchy, without a fight. This emboldens them in many dangerous ways, the sum of which is that they become drunk with their newly perceived power. Sadly for the police, they are the public face of this newly imagined power.
Free people are unlikely to ever accept the transformation of a governor into a monarch. As to when and how those individual decisions coalesce, I'm not sure even the experts in such things know. When it does happen, however, history shows us that there will be numerous grievances the "peasants" will be settling with their newly minted "monarchs."
This is the point at which the police are expected to save the newly minted monarch. By allowing themselves to be used to enforce imaginary laws created by the executive, and not the legislature, police officers will find themselves allied against the very people they exist to protect – because the people pay police salaries through their taxes. This is not where the police want to be, and the rank and file had better help their union understand this right now!
Sheriffs, perhaps because of their elected status, have done a better job of figuring this out ahead of time. Many sheriffs have simply said, "We're not the mask police."
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The Peasants are Revolting
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"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." Captain John Parker at Lexington |
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