

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

There Is No Return To The "Old Normal": Welcome to 1984

Black Pilled
A state of mind brought upon by the realization of harsh truths: We are royally butt-fucked no matter what we do. The despair that arises from taking in the black pill can be crippling and might drive some to the brink of insanity.

By Gary;

I have become Black Pilled.

This Black Pilled feeling has been coming on for a long time now.

But it came to a head again today when I made my 18th call to my moron GOP Congressman about internet freedom of speech with ZERO response.

18 calls. No response.

Simply, the GOP just doesn't give a shit about our freedoms or their own voters because they are the bought and paid for butt-boys of multi-national corporations.

That brings us to a Congress that is controlled by Democrat Marxists and a do nothing  "Conservative" Republican Party that is silent as cities burn, statues are pull down by mobs of Marxists, the 1st Amendment is abolished and the people are raped by  24-7 Big Brother spying.

Black Pilled  -  Our Elections Have No Meaning

The people revolted and put in Trump only to see the GOP controlled Congress run endless Russia hearings to throw him out and put in Pence.

The Deep State and the Marxists are on the march to destroy America and Republicans are unwilling to protect the people in any meaningful way.

What do we do? I say fuck them all, let the Democrat cities burn.

Except for Tucker Carlson I have turned off all multi-national corporate TV news.

I am tired of the lies coming from the corrupt media from FOX to CBS. So I make my morning coffee, pop my laptop and log on to the free speech video platform Bitchute.com to view free and uncontrolled news from all my favorites from Styxhexenhammer to Alex Jones to Mark Dice.

Come November I will show up to vote for Trump, but I don't think it matters if Trump wins. The corrupt Swamp will wait him out till his term ends. Then it is back to business as usual.

So fully Black Pilled I will hunker in my bunker and watch the end of America in full color.

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