

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sweden Pushed to Adopt Islamic Flag

(Infowars)  -  A social media campaign is pressuring Sweden to adopt a Turkish-style flag due to Islam’s rapid growth in the country.
petition asking Sweden’s prime minister to do away with the current, “offensive” flag is nearing its signature goal as the campaign’s hashtag #ForBetterSweden continues to trend on Twitter.
“The Swedish flag is a constant reminder of our dark and oppressive past,” the petition reads. 
“Refugees and migrants are forced to live under its Christian Cross; a symbol of the Crusades and the slaughter of millions of innocent Islamic lives in Sweden’s past that makes them feel unwelcome and unsafe.”
“Sweden should be a safe space for everyone.”

Some have alleged the campaign is a troll job by 4Chan, but Sweden is so cucked that the country might actually go along with it anyway.
For one thing, a Swedish bishop has already proposed removing Christian crosses from churches to appease Muslims and had even offered to transform church space into Muslim prayer rooms.
Ironically, the bishop, Eva Brunne, is a lesbian, meaning she’d be executed if she visited a more radical Muslim country.
Read More . . . .

Sweden Declares Muslims Have The Right To Rape

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