

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Denzel Washington on black incarceration: ‘I can’t blame the system,’ ‘it starts in the home’

Common Sense
What a Radical Thing To Say in Public

(Washington Times)  -  Denzel Washington stressed the importance of having a positive father figure in the home while speaking recently about the mass incarceration of black males.
The Oscar-winning actor told a reporter for The Grio during a special advanced screening in New York of his film “Roman J. Israel, Esq.” that positive change in the black community “starts in the home.”
“If the father is not in the home, the boy will find a father in the streets,” he said. “I saw it in my generation and every generation before me, and every one since.”
“If the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother and prison becomes your home,” he added.
According to The New York Daily News, Mr. Washington expanded on his answer when pressed by reporters, saying, “It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.
“So, you know, I can’t blame the system,” he said. “It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.”
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