

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, April 21, 2023

FDA BACKTRACKS - No more than one mRNA dose

Suddenly the FDA says not 
to take the Clot Shot

(Natural News) Now that at least 230 million Americans have already gotten at least two doses of a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is changing the rules on a whim to only require one mRNA injection, period, with no additional boosters.

The FDA made the change this week under the guise of “simplify[ing]” the covid “vaccination” schedule, ending entirely the two-dose mRNA regimen that was aggressively pushed – and in many cases forced – on Americans as a result of Operation Warp Speed.

From now on, almost nobody older than 65 will be eligible for any further booster shots. And most people in general will only get one shot – unless they have already gotten more, in which case they are up a creek without a paddle.

The FDA’s latest claim is that the new “bivalent” injections are more than enough to cover all the things as the earlier multi-dose injections. We are told that the bivalent shots work better against the latest Omicron (an anagram for Moronic) strains of the so-called virus, despite the fact that there is zero evidence to suggest that any of these shots do anything other than destroy a person’s health.

“Most unvaccinated individuals may receive a single dose of a bivalent vaccine, rather than multiple doses of the original monovalent mRNA vaccines,” the FDA now says.


He was right 
and the politicians LIED

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