

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, August 2, 2024

Hospital ‘transitioned’ autistic boy without parents consent

What kind of EVIL motherfucker would want to castrate little boys and cut the breasts off little girls?  - - - - Why Democrat Marxists of course.

(LifeSiteNews) — Children’s National Hospital (CNH) in the nation’s capital faces a lawsuit for taking custody of an autistic teenager away from a military family over their refusal to affirm the gender confusion he expressed out of nowhere while hospitalized at the facility.

The Daily Mail reports that the family, whose identity is being withheld, says their son (who has since become a legal adult) told friends he “was LGBT” (the article does not specify what exactly he meant) but never indicated any desire to identify as female until November 2021, when at age 16 he was hospitalized following a suicide attempt prompted by the end of a relationship with his girlfriend.

CNH diagnosed him with gender dysphoria and held him for 41 days, refusing to release him to his parents and instead moved him to foster services, which placed the boy with a “single foster mother who had a previous assault charge and was alleged to be a close friend of” Lavender Kelley, the hospital’s activist, “non-gendered” chaplain.

The son attempted suicide again in July 2022 and was returned to CNH, this time as a “girl.” His foster mother removed him from a second autism assessment the following month, deeming it unnecessary. When that foster mother passed away, the boy is believed to have been given to Kelley herself.

The parents’ lawsuit against CNH accuses the hospital of a “full-on campaign to transgender this child” with “mental re-programming,” including compulsory letters to friends declaring he was now female.

“[We] had never known of [our] son’s purported desire or plan to change genders,” the family contends. “Rather than treating [us] as patrons with legal and dignitary rights, the defendant… treated the parents as though they had harmed their son, even though the parents had never endangered their child and had home-schooled him to college entry at fourteen years old.”

“At Children’s National, it is as if all critical reasoning toward the child was suspended, and there was no investigation into the extent that the child was lying,” adds the suit. They are seeking a trial by jury and $100 million in damages to make up for the crippling legal expenses they have accrued fighting for their son, which has already forced them to sell both their home and a “thriving” business.


The Castration
of the American Sheeple

Once gelded the brainless and spineless American Sheeple will keep voting for their Marxist Overlords.

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