

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday Sultress - Red Sonja - The Demon with Red Hair

I Love a Woman in Breastplates
Red Sonja is now 88 years old

After numerous delays in development, the Red Sonja movie has begun production. 

Red Sonja is a comic book character created in 1973 by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith for Marvel, who published stories with the character until 1986. Since 2005, the character has lived on in comics through Dynamite EntertainmentRed Sonja is a martial artist and swordsman, competent in battle as a skilled warrior combating various supernatural threats.

M.J. Bassett is at the helm of Red Sonja, having previously directed episodes of Ash vs. Evil DeadAltered Carbonand The Terminal List. Matilda Lutz, the star of the gritty film Revenge, leads the cast as the titular heroine alongside Wallis Day and Robert Sheehan.

Bassett had this to say about the film and its star:

“I’ve wanted to make a Red Sonja movie since I was a teenager - she has been a powerful presence for me and a character that I have always wanted to bring to the screen with my own voice and vision. When I met Matilda Lutz, I knew she had all the magic I was looking for and could see the complexity and depth she would bring to Sonja.”

Red Sonja was on track with Ant-Man and the Wasp's Hannah John-Kamen set to play the lead before departing, which also saw director Joey Soloway step away. However, this is far from the first setback Red Sonja has suffered, as the film has been in development for almost 15 years. 

In 2008, director Robert Rodriguez attempted to make the film with Rose McGowan in the lead, and when that version didn't pan out, director Simon West worked on the project in 2010 with Amber Heard said to be playing the character. However, the film never got off the ground, languishing in production hell for years, with Bryan Singer even attached at one time.

Red Sonja was the creation of the very late but still very great Robert E. Howard (1906 – 1936).

Sonja only appeared once in Howard's 1934 excellent historical tale The Shadow of the Vulture.

The story line involved the Muslim siege of Vienna in 1529. Sonja stood side-by-side with male knights on the walls of Vienna fighting against the Turks and for Western Civilization.

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