

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

No Blow Jobs For Vaxxed Men Say Women

(Natural News) Increasingly more unvaccinated single women are avoiding single men who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Concerned about the “shedding” of jab spike proteins through physical contact, unvaccinated single women are, in some cases, calling it quits as far as the modern dating scene goes.

The issue mostly concerns sex with “fully vaccinated” men, something that is no longer an option for many unvaccinated women who are trying to protect their bodies against Fauci Flu shot penetration both directly and indirectly.

American Thinker writer Laura J. Wellington is one such single woman who says it “has become their new norm,” referring to herself and other non-jabbed single women, to avoid men who took the experimental gene therapy.

The “most disgruntled, hostile men,” she adds, seem to be those who “succumbed to the vaccine by force” – meaning men who did not necessarily want to get jabbed but were forced to in order to maintain employment, for instance.

“Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well,” Wellington further writes.

To be fair, unvaccinated men face the very same thing with “fully vaccinated” women, many of whom militantly support the jabs and look down on men who just said no to experimental drugs from the government and Big Pharma.

It is an act of self-preservation by both men and women who skipped the jab(s) to avoid other men and women who opted to take the shots and who are now shedding spike proteins and who knows what else on others.

More at NaturalNews.com

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