

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, October 16, 2021

$50,000 fine or COVID Concentration Camp over phone tracking system

The COVID Gestapo is Coming for us all

(WND)  Australia has gone full Nazi, Brave New World and 1984 all in one as it implements a dystopian tracking system that requires people in quarantine to snap a photo of themselves within five minutes of being prodded by a government-required app on their smartphones.

If you repeatedly ignore the notifications, you will get a phone call, or a knock on the door, from your local police. If you are not there or do not respond to the app check in in a timely manner you could be fined or face imprisonment. The government website states: "If you consistently fail to comply with check-in requests without a good reason, you may have committed an offence under the Emergency Management Act, which can result in fines of up to $50,000 and imprisonment."

The province is now requiring people in quarantine to get a phone app called G2G Now, which is short for Got to Go Now!

"They have this in Western Australia and it's a mandatory government app on your smartphone," said Karen Kingston in an Oct. 12 interview with Brannon Howse Live on WVW Broadcast Network.

Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and consultant to the pharmaceutical industry, was reading directly from the website of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia. The government website described the app as follows:

"The G2G Now app is a tool that helps Western Australia police protect the community by conducting remote, virtual in-app checks on people in quarantine. The app uses facial verification technology and phone location data to ensure people in quarantine remain at their registered address throughout their quarantine period. When users receive a push notifications to check-in, they have a five-minute window to take a photo of themselves. The app then matches the image and location with the person's registered details to ensure compliance with their quarantine direction."

Howse asked: "What are they going to do if I don't [comply], take me off to a containment camp?"

The government websites states:

"The G2G No app is a tool that helps WA Police protect the community by conducting remote, virtual in-app checks on people in quarantine. The app uses facial verification technology and phone location data to ensure people in quarantine remain at their registered address throughout their quarantine period."

Read More . . . .

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The difference is night and day.  Rebel News is in the front lines again and again covering the COVID Police State while Fox "News" does in studio circle jerk interviews with bought and paid for safe Establishment political hacks.

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