

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, April 7, 2017

Dr. Michael Savage: "I am a conservative peacenick"

"Do you want war with Russia?"

Dr. Michael Savage monologue

All day we’re talking about the Nuclear Option. Nuclear Option? What happens when the world goes nuclear? Today, the Congress decided to go nuclear … that is use the so called Nuclear Option to blow up the filibuster for a straight up or down vote on Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch. Even though Harry Reid started using the Nuclear Option in 2013 on lower court judges and Democrats and the media were all for it, now they’re acting like the world is coming to an end.

But they’re ignoring a possibility of the world really coming to an end.

Democrats have been poking the Russian bear since Trump won the election. The constant accusations of them fixing our election is not making them friendly towards us in the least. And why are they doing it? Because Trump said he could work with them?

But it doesn’t stop there. People in Trump’s own sphere are turning him towards the beating war drums. Dems and the establishment GOP both handcuffed loyal Trump advisers like Jeff Sessions, and now Devin Nunes, to take themselves out of any investigations on the Russia conspiracy. Steve Bannon, a close adviser is asked to step down from his NSC role.

Who got to you Mr. President? Who is whispering in your ear and could have made you make this dramatic of a change towards Russia in just three days?

I believe it’s the generals. Trump has given generals great power in his administration and they are using it to their advantage just like in WWI.

Like Trump, Woodrow Wilson ran on an America First platform. He was elected largely because he kept us out of the war in Europe. But someone got to him, too. They turned him to declare that ‘neutrality was no longer feasible or desirable.’ And after the war, when Wilson tried to rally the world for a lasting peace, and to form the League of Nations, our Congress wanted no part of it. And the deal that was reached to secure the peace in Europe became a punishment to the losers. And where did that lead? An even worse conflict were millions more died. That gave us the United Nations.

And what happened in that body yesterday? Nikki Haley, Trump’s pick for U.N. ambassador, laid the law down to Russia about the attacks in Syria, saying their acts were unconscionable, accusing them for their complicity in the deaths of children.

All of this is on the generals. Maybe Bannon was the one fighting with the generals, the only one standing against war, and now he’s gone. It’s generals who rushed world powers in WWI, and it’s happening again. Their powers increase with war. They shouldn’t want war, they should want peace.

President Trump came on the air with me and said if he was elected, he could talk to Russia even before he took office. That’s what making peace is about.

The Dems turned it into a crime and want to impeach him over it. The generals have gotten to him and turned him from peace with Russia. And the people standing in the way of war, like Steve Bannon, are being shown the door.

This beating of the war drums with Russia has to stop.

Read More . . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

russia is not worth to face for