

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Now snow in the Arctic means global warming

Bullshit Alert
The Left thinks you are an idiot.
If it does NOT snow it is Global Warming
But if it DOES snow then it is also Global Warming

KIRUNA, Sweden – Thick reindeer fur boots and a fur hat covering most of his face shield Niila Inga from freezing winds as he races his snowmobile up to a mountaintop overlooking his reindeer in the Swedish arctic.
His community herds about 8,000 reindeer year-round, moving them between traditional grazing grounds in the high mountains bordering Norway in the summer and the forests farther east in the winter, just as his forebears in the Sami indigenous community have for generations.
Inga is troubled: His reindeer are hungry, and he can do little about it. Climate change is altering weather patterns and affecting the herd’s food supply.
Slipping his hand from a massive reindeer skin mitten, Inga illustrates the problem, plunging his hand into the crusted snow and pulling out a hard piece of ice close to the soil.
Unusually early snowfall in autumn was followed by rain that froze, trapping food under a thick layer of ice. Unable to eat, the hungry animals scattered from their traditional migration routes in search of new grazing grounds.
Half the herd carried on east as planned, while the rest retreated to the mountains where predators abound, and the risk of avalanches is great.
The arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe. Measurements by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute show the country has warmed 2.95 degrees Fahrenheit compared with preindustrial times.
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