

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, November 3, 2018

COWARDS - Pentagon rejected request for troops at the border

In 1916 General Blackjack Pershing took charge of the 8th Brigade in San Francisco.  His mission was to patrol the Mexican – American border in response to the wave of instability and revolution sweeping Mexico. 

America - A Nation of Pussies
Modern Americans are frightened to death
to defend their own borders.

EDITOR  -  Nationalist Donald Trump is ordering American troops to the southern border to protect the U.S. from invasion. Naturally the Leftists are soiling their pants and the "Conservative" GOP is largely hiding under their desks in hopes that no one will ask them any hard questions.

(CNN)  -  When the Trump administration first asked the Pentagon to send troops to the southern border, they wanted them to perform emergency law enforcement functions, CNN has learned.
The Pentagon said no.
According to two defense official familiar with the request, the Department of Homeland Security asked that the Pentagon provide a reserve force that could be called upon to provide "crowd and traffic control" and safeguard Customs and Border Protection personnel at the border to counter a group of Central American migrants walking to the US border to request asylum.
The Pentagon rejected the request on October 26, according to one of the officials, even as it signed off on providing DHS with air and logistics support, medical personnel and engineers.
    The request was turned down because the Department of Defense felt that active duty troops do not have the authority to conduct that type of mission unless they are granted additional authorities by the President.
    Read More . . .

    In the olden days Americans were not frightened to death to defend our own borders.

    U.S. troops at a staging area for General John J. Pershing's 1916 incursion into Mexico to apprehend Mexican renegade Poncho Villa, who raided U.S. territory in retaliation for U.S. support of President Victoriano Huerta.

    Cavalry Regiment Returning from the campaign in Mexico.

    An angry General Pershing stomps a nest of rattlesnakes, called 
    bandits and "villistas," followers of Pancho Villa.
    Read More:
    Pancho Villa Expedition

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