

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, May 1, 2014

UKIP landslide coming - Conservatives fall like a rock

The Conservative Party is in Collapse
  • In free elections, something lacking in the U.S., the upstart UKIP party is cleaning the clock of the so-called "major" parties by taking principled stands against endless immigration and big government controls out of the EU.
  • While back in the USA both parties are working hard to fuck over the American worker by importing cheap labor by the millions.

If English Conservatives actually believed in anything they would not be in trouble at the polls.

The ComRes/ITV News poll put support for Ukip at 38% for the European elections – an increase of eight points since the beginning of the month.

Labour is down three points on 27% while the Tories trail in third place on 18%, down four points. The Liberal Democrats remain unchanged on 8% reports the Guardian.

Must See Video
Nigel Farage, MEP The UKIP Leader at a packed public meeting in Torquay.
Can we import Farage to be the GOP Speaker of the House? 

A series of Ukip posters that warned "26 million people are looking for work – and whose jobs are they after?" and "British workers are hit hard by unlimited cheap labour" were condemned by opponents but a YouGov poll showed that the majority of voters – 57 per cent – believe the ads were a "hard-hitting reflection of reality", and 59 per cent said they were not racist.

With the European poll Labour's to lose, Ed Miliband will launch his party's campaign this week when he will be forced to take on directly the challenge from Ukip. Mr Farage is targeting Labour voters by touring northern England. If Ukip comes first, Miliband is certain to face questions over his campaign for Downing Street in a year's time.

On a visit to the West Midlands yesterday, Mr Farage insisted that the three main political parties were trying to "smear" his MEP candidates and that they were running scared.

(UK Independent)

Free elections with real choices - What a concept

Americans - Do Not Be Frightened

Dear American readers please do not be frightened.  The event happening in the United Kingdom is called a free election with many real political parties on the ballot for the voters to chose from . . . . something that has not existed in the U.S. for generations.
While voters from the UK to Brazil to Japan to India have real elections and multi-party parliaments, here in the U.S. the same two corrupt Washington D.C. funded parties "magically" win 100% of all elections to the House of Representatives.
Other countries where the same party wins 100% of all elections are China and North Korea.
Have no fear dear reader.  In a few minutes you will forget this article ever existed and you will go back to believing you live in a democracy.

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