

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Big Day - Trump Sworn In

The God Emperor Trump

  • The Donald speaks out while most GOP "leaders" hide under their desks quivering in fear that someone might ask them to actually do something meaningful.

By Gary;

The God Emperor has returned and the "Conservative" GOP fought him tooth and nail every step of the way.   

And while the Communist Dems openly raped Trump and his supporters, the GOP was largely silent showing their true colors.

The epic rise and fall and rise of The Donald is a stunning story.  

It is a story of a single man with balls of steel standing almost alone against the criminal Elites. Trump was backed almost exclusively by the common voter. The mass of cowardly elected Republicans eagerly dropped their pants and bent over for a good fucking by the Establishment.

I am excited to see if Trump can get anything done in the Face of Marxist Democrats and Traitor whore Republicans.

An Independent Conservative

Donald Trump appears with Reform Party Governor Jesse Ventura in 2000. Trump was considering a Reform Party bid for president.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday Sultress - Sexy Classic Science Fiction Art

I am not sure why women taking their clothes off protects them from invading aliens, but I am cool with the concept.

Rule #1 in Life:  Sex Sells

Hot women do not have to be alive to be appealing.  So for a change of pace here is some sexy classic Science Fiction art from the 1950s and 60s.

A shout out goes to Goodstuffs World which gave me the idea and has entertained so many with his eclectic postings of the odd, the surreal and insane.

Gavin Newsom has some serious EXPLAINING TO DO!

If I can't stop it, at least 
send me a check for my share

Liberal Hivemind

Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday Femmes with Firearms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Washington Post’s Traffic Falls by Nearly 90 Percent

The Washington Post appears to be facing an existential crisis.

The troubled left-wing newspaper, which is owned by former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, has reportedly seen its traffic crater by nearly 90 percent since 2021.

It has also seen a considerable decline in revenue despite Bezos making clear that he will not subsidize its losses.

Over the last four years, web traffic has cratered. According to internal data shared with Semafor in recent weeks, the Post’s regular daily traffic last year sunk to less than a quarter of what it was at its peak in January 2021.

That month, the Post briefly reached a high of around 22.5 million daily active users following the attack.

But by the middle of 2024, its daily users hovered around 2.5-3 million daily users.

Last year, Washington City Paper noted that the Post had stopped publicly disclosing its traffic numbers in press releases, after a 60% decline in monthly traffic.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Warrior Woman Wednesday


Screw The "News"
I'm Blue Pilling it with Warrior Women

  • Damn, it feels good taking the Blue Pill, ignoring the news and losing myself in SciFi and Fantasy.

  • I say let the War-Pigs burn Ukraine to the fucking ground and start World War III. The liar politicians don't care so why should I give a shit?
  • I refuse to be a puppet on the strings of the corrupt media complex. I will not dance on command to their latest propaganda.