The Marxist Global Warming Tax
- The Cap and Trade "tax" will take billions of dollars out of the California economy and give it to the Democrat Party to re-distribute that wealth to those with "wants" and "needs".
- If stopping greenhouse gasses was the goal then government would simply ban the gasses without imposing a tax.
- Some 23.1 million government permits were offered for sale at the auction to cover 2013 emissions, raising $233 million for the Socialist to spend.
I just love Socialist bi-partisan government. Don't you?
The People's Republic of California's debuted their cap-and-trade tax increase program this last week. It is the cornerstone of the state's landmark global warming law. Known as AB 32, is was signed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006.
AB 32 includes a suite of regulations meant to dramatically reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases, including requiring utilities to obtain 33 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.
I personally believe that man is having a serious impact on the environment. But cap and trade is all about Marxist taxes to re-distribute the wealth. If stopping greenhouse gasses was the goal then government would simply ban the gasses without imposing a tax. But it is all about money and control over private businesses.
California advanced the cause mightily last week by instigating the nation's first climate-change cap-and-trade auction.
Socialist cap-and-trade will re-distribute the wealth in billions of dollars from hundreds of companies as a price for them to emit greenhouse gases.
The costs will be passed along to California consumers in pricier energy and higher prices for anything that relies on energy, which is nearly everything. It also will result in job losses, which will skew supply and demand as fewer dollars chase more costly goods. It's another California anti-prosperity coup.
When the dust settles, even the obtuse will see that the goal was achieved: They took control and took your money.
Cap and Trade is DESTROYING California!!!
In this clip, John and Ken explain how the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Global Warming Bill AB32 is going to DESTROY California!!
Let's start with the inconvenient fact delivered by California's own independent Legislative Analyst, who embarrassingly pointed out there is no need to charge companies fees through a cap-and-trade auction, let alone economy-stifling fees in the billions, to get them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Why, then, did the Air Resources Board choose to force 360 major businesses in coming years to purchase a right to emit what they have emitted for no cost for as long as they've been in business?
Could it have something to do with the $70 billion to be raised for a government that can't stay out of the red?
Remember the mantra: It's about control and money.
Not only aren't billions of dollars needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the money taken from business will slow the economy and fund the Unionized Government Welfare State.
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