The Truth Comes Out at Last
(The Daily Sheeple) - Drinking up to three cups of coffee daily may improve longevity and reduce the risk of all-cause mortality, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
As part of the study, a team of researchers at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Imperial College London has examined the beneficial effects of coffee consumption among people across 10 European countries including the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, and Italy.
The study has received funding from the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers and the IARC.
The research team has pooled data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study with a total cohort population of 521,330 participants older than 35 years. The scientists have then evaluated the participants’ diet through questionnaires and interviews.
Data from a 16-year follow-up has revealed that nearly 42,000 participants died from various conditions such as cancer, circulatory diseases, heart failure, and stroke.
The study has found out that coffee drinkers have exhibited healthier livers and better glucose control compared with non-drinkers. In addition, the scientists have observed a similar effect after consuming decaffeinated coffee.
“We found that higher coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of death from any cause, and specifically for circulatory diseases and digestive diseases.
Importantly, these results were similar across all of the 10 European countries, with variable coffee drinking habits and customs. Our study also offers important insights into the possible mechanisms for the beneficial health effects of coffee. We found that drinking more coffee was associated with a more favorable liver function profile and immune response.
This, along with the consistency of the results with other studies in the U.S. and Japan gives us greater confidence that coffee may have beneficial health effects,” lead author Dr. Marc Gunter reports in a university press release.
However, the expert has acknowledged the limitations of the study and stressed that moderate coffee intake may improve overall health.
“Due to the limitations of observational research, we are not at the stage of recommending people to drink more or less coffee. That said, our results suggest that moderate coffee drinking – up to around three cups per day – is not detrimental to your health, and that incorporating coffee into your diet could have health benefits,” Dr. Gunter adds.
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Coffee served the way I like it. |
A proper way to achieve that also is to had more vegetables , and low carb intake ... and the proper protein per day .
Most people don`t make the right choices , and so childrens are let alone on that ... , cause parents nowadays , monstly are really busy on making the corporate ladder , specially those soccer mons ... western selfish ones doh!!! really ?! they got the same rights , but on that the whole fabric of society will fall ...i mean The Democratic one .
In other corners of the world mothers got the ancient role of breeders ... on man subjugation ... a kind of patriarcal ... even now also the model colonizing the west ... so kids are random pep to grown as " selfisk , egotistic , narcissistic ones " and girls kept aside , hidden , for then at a young age beeing marriage arrangement by fathers , and escorted by her brothers...
So home meals out , came schools meals , providing food , often , if they are good and proper , politicians then came to beeing bullied by parents , cause , kids and girls don`t like boiled fish and healthy food , and then they forced menu changes towards high proteins , sugar addicted drinks , and cefofane wraped sugar coated cookies and else ...
So ... in a few years they grow those illnesses from that , premature strokes , and tipe 2 diabetis .
Its sad as a model of society ... nanny state , vote addicted ... leads to a class struggle too .
Those fatty , sugar addicted kids will became less prone to became masters , as those slick ones , are more driven to became those masters , and so even master criminals .
So add coffee with a proper diet , vegetables, fruits , and low protein fish and no red meat as often .
Another way to live longer is to skip hard drinks , alcool ones. Small quantities are ok , but be wise .And skip smoking too .
A proper enjoyment of life are not only conncted with drinkers or foodies . A lot of exercice , and outdoors activities help to .
I read a news right now that in my own country our one party Animal and Nature MP , put a law proposal to ban chocolat milk in our schools ...
hope he saw that news about coffee longevity ... i reckon our schools became a kind of starbucks emporio ... and that drugs will be over , as coffee pods ... i mean rare coffee pods will be on illegal trade ...
i nor dare to think that those scools will hire "girl baristas" like those at the picture ...
back to school
yesterday i saw something about replace school milk by soy bean one ... crazed ideia
and today we got news from a local newspaper on nutritionist girls turn hot model babes ... the cover got four gorgeous girls that lead the star system of all nutritionists seeking State jobs ... they carve for one nutrio in every school , or health center ... i mean HMS one ... and else ... even i reckon in sports stadiums
pretty nice ...
the same on our psycologist that carve for state jobs in HMS health centers and "pack driven help " on vouchers ( state ones ... they wish ) on our forest fires victims ... even after they got robbed from state, and private help campaigns ... better to give help facing those that needed ...
pretty nice ...
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