Northwestern University's Sex Week
- The NU Sex Week is sponsored by the College Feminists and will feature an orgasm workshop and a film about a man “born with a micro-penis."
Yet more proof that we have become a self-obsessed society of morons.
Northwestern University is sponsoring an event for female students who are “having trouble masturbating.”
“Vulvas too confusing? Having trouble masturbating? Wanna please your consenting female-bodied friend?” asks the “Cum*tactics” event description posted on a college website.

The workshop will be taught by Early2Bed, a “feminist sex shop” in Chicago reports Campus Reform.
It is not clear why Northwestern was concerned about the ability of its female students to masturbate.
The event is part of Northwestern’s Sex Week, which will also feature events on BDSM and a screening of “Unhung Hero,” a film about a man “born with a micropenis … on a fact-finding mission … as he confronts the stigma of having a small dick.”
The school’s Sex Week runs from April 7-12 and is sponsored by the College Feminists, the “premier feminist and only pro-choice organization” on campus, according to its website.
The orgasm workshop will be co-sponsored by the school’s Sexual Health & Assault Peer Educators group.
Sex Week organizers did not respond to requests from Campus Reform in time for publication.
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Free condoms, lube & candy!
11am-1pm, the Rock (Friday and Monday)
Get excited for Sex Week with our planning committee! We will have free condoms, lube and candy to help you get in the mood for all of our lusty events. Have questions about the events? We’ll be there to tell you all about them!
Have questions about sex? We can help you with that too. Come play with us Thursday, Friday and Monday before the sexiest week of the year starts!
Sex Work 101 with SWOP-Chicago
7:30pm, Women’s Center
[Co-sponsored by The Gender Studies Undergraduate Board]
The Sex Workers Outreach Project of Chicago is here to give us an introduction to sex work, clarify assumptions and myths about the sex trade, and provide guidelines for how to be a supportive ally to individuals involved in it. Bring your questions and an open mind for an intriguing discussion about the current state of “the world’s oldest profession.”
4-6pm, Wildcat Room (Norris)
[Co-sponsored by SHAPE]
Come to SexFest, and celebrate… sex! Sex origami, sex toys, sexy trivia, prizes and more! There’s a very small chance that you’ll have the opportunity to explore and experience all these sexciting things in one location again. Join us, and we’re sure you’ll be glad you came ;)
Cum*tactics with Early to Bed
7:30pm, Searle 3-220
[Co-sponsored by SHAPE]
Vulvas too confusing? Having trouble masturbating? Wanna please your consenting female-bodied friend? Join us for a presentation from the feminist sex shop Early to Bed on how to pleasure the female body. Get some great tips and learn a little bit more about those female nether regions.
The Dick Documentary
6pm, Fisk 114
Patrick Moote was born with a micropenis and is on a fact-finding mission to determine whether size matters. In his comedic documentary, Unhung Hero, Moote interviews porn stars, doctors and anthropologists as he confronts the stigma of having a small dick.
Queer Dance Music
1pm, Parkes 214
[Co-sponsored by Street Beat and Project ShoutOUT]
Come listen to some funky beats and fresh findings on queer dance music. Professor Mark Butler and Performance Studies graduate student Kareem Khubchandani will present their research on the expression of LGBT sexuality and identity in various forms of dance music and nightlife. Lunch will be provided.
Meg Ryan's Fake Orgasm
Hopefully NU is showing Meg's movie clip.
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