Bi-Partisan Corruption - Payoffs to powerful members of Congress and no one goes to jail
- The Treasury is raped of Trillions of dollars in the real estate bubble and bailouts
- Congressmen get paid off by the banking industry to look the other way
- And no crooked member of Congress or banker who committed loan fraud ever goes to jail
- It is all one giant bi-partisan cover-up
An orgy of corruption . . . . and the non-thinking
Sheeple voters keep knee-jerking and re-elect the crooks just because they have that magic "D" or "R" after their names.
Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions, a top member of the House GOP leadership, received a VIP mortgage from defunct lender Countrywide Financial Corp., making him the fourth current member of the House who has acknowledged getting a sweetheart deal.
Sessions’ office would not comment on the amount of the loan or when it was issued, although press reports state that it was a 2007 transaction worth as much as $1 million. The loan does not appear on any of Sessions’ annual financial disclosure reports on file with the House Clerk’s office. Lawmakers and senior aides must file such reports each year, but they are allowed to leave off information regarding personal homes or property that do not generate any income reports Politico.
Also getting "special" below market interest rate loans:
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)
Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.)
Reps. Ed Towns (D-N.Y.)
Reps. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.)
Reps. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.)
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that McKeon, chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a close ally of Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio), received a special $315,000 loan from Countrywide in the late 1990s. Gallegly, who recently announced he would retire from Congress at the end of this year, got a $77,000 loan.
No charges were ever filed against the two Senators. Altogether, about 30 loans from the Countrywide VIP program went to senators or staff reported the Senate Ethics Committee in July 2010.
The American Sheeple get the government they deserve.
And the brain dead Sheeple keep worshiping these crooked Beltway bastards just because
they have that magic "D" or "R" after their names. |
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