

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Obama censored report on CIA torture

"Is it Safe?"
  • Torture, lies and a growing Police State.  Bush, and his henchman Cheney, managed to drive me out of the Big Government Republican Party. 
  • Comrade Obama is no better.  Obama and his boot-licking lackeys have continued the Bush tradition, but jacked up on steroids.  Both sides close ranks to protect the unconstitutional All-Powerful State.

The Obama regime censored significant portions of the findings of an investigation into the CIA’s use of "harsh interrogation" methods on suspected terrorists, forcing the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee to delay their release “until further notice.”

The postponement added to serious frictions over the investigation between the administration and lawmakers, who have been pressing for the swiftest, most extensive publication of the findings on one of darkest chapters in the CIA’s 65-year history reports McClatchy News.

Feinstein announced the delay only hours after the White House returned the document to her after it completed its declassification review.

It also came after Obama acknowledged hours earlier that interrogators for the spy agency had tortured suspected terrorists.

But Obama also voiced “full confidence” in CIA Director John Brennan a day after the CIA revealed that an internal investigation found – contrary to Brennan’s earlier denials – that agency personnel had broken into a protected database that was supposed to be for the exclusive use of Feinstein’s staff.

It wasn’t known what details of the 480-page executive summary, findings and conclusions of the Senate committee’s five-year, $40 million probe were censored during declassification reviews by the CIA and then the White House, which oversaw the process of excising information deemed sensitive to national security. “A preliminary review of the report indicates that there have been significant redactions. We need additional time to understand the basis for these redactions and determine their justification,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said in a statement....

Is It Safe? - Marathon Man (1976) HD

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/08/01/235182/obama-adds-fuel-to-cia-controversy.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/08/01/235182/obama-adds-fuel-to-cia-controversy.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

Do you really want to give the liar hack
politician of the moment (Gore, Cheney,
Janet Reno or Eric Holder) the power to torture?


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