Burn the evil racist at the stake!
The Thought Police force student to apologize
for "micro-aggression" against Obama
Double Retard Alert! - Actually today we have a rare double retard alert. First, we have the insane Leftist Loons trying to beat down a student as a "racist" for posting the above GIF image that Jay Leno also used. But second, the student totally caved, dropped his pants, bent over and gave a spineless apology for having done nothing.
A student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada was forced to issue a formal apology for emailing a picture of Comrade Obama kicking open a door–all because some students thought the image was somehow racist.

What happened next is almost unbelievable: Another student issued a formal complaint against Farnan for committing a “micro-aggression.”For those not up-to-date on the PC lexicon, “micro-aggression” is the latest phrase of choice for leftist radicals seeking to blame racism for common annoyances suffered by people of all races.
Minority activists at the University of Michigan, for example, have insisted that trivial slights, such as “Having your opinion second-guessed in a group assignment,” are micro-aggressions (Fucking Bullshit!!!) that betray the campus as a hostile place for students of color.
The .gif of Obama kicking a door was racist because of the “cultural, historical and living legacy surrounding people of color—particularly young men—being portrayed as violent,” according to the apology letter that Farnan was forced to write.
Technically, Farnan got off easy. Under the McGill student government’s Orwellian “equity policy,” Farnan could have been suspended or even dismissed from his position as vice president in the organization. The decision to force Farnan to apologize was apparently made by an “equity commissioner,” whose will can only be overturned by a two-thirds majority of the student government.
Like a true victim of the thought police, Farnan was forced to denounce his heretical email.
Spineless Apology Alert - “Despite the innocent intentions influencing my decision to use this particular image, I have come to recognize the negative implications of adding the .GIF image within this given context,” he said. “By using this particular image of President Obama, I unknowingly perpetuated this living legacy and subsequently allowed a medium of [Student Society of McGill University] communication to become the site of a microaggression; for this, I am deeply sorry.”
Wow. That made me lose my lunch. What a pussy.
(Daily Caller)
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Bolches yarboclos pa todos.
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