

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, November 4, 2016

New York GOP registration shrinks even smaller

The Party is Over

  • If the open borders GOP actually stood with American citizens to protect jobs it might grow larger. Instead the party sucks up to Wall Street to import cheap labor and export jobs.

(Ballot Access News)  -  The New York State Board of Elections has posted new enrollment data, as of November 1, 2016. 
The Board of Elections web page doesn’t include the Libertarian figure, but according to the Board, as of November 2 it is 7,128. The Libertarian Party is not ballot-qualified in New York but under the terms of a 2002 court decision, it has the right to an enrollment tally. However, it is not listed as a choice on the form, and must be written in.
The current percentages are: Democratic 49.46%; Republican 22.73%; Independence 4.02%; Conservative 1.30%; Working Families .40%; Green .23%; Libertarian .06%; Women’s Equality .02%; Reform .01%; independents and miscellaneous 21.77%.
The April 2016 percentages were: Democratic 49.40%; Republican 23.29%; Independence 4.06%; Conservative 1.36%; Working Families .41%; Green .22%; Libertarian .05%; Women’s Equality .01%; Reform .00%; independents and miscellaneous 21.19%.
Read More . . . .  and More . . . .

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