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Los Angeles abandons red-light camera program
There is good news and bad news.
GOOD NEWS: Los Angeles abolished the government cameras at intersections. A small victory for freedom.
BAD NEWS: Los Angeles could care less about freedom. They only abolished the cameras because it was hard to collect the fines.
The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to stop the city's red-light traffic camera program, officials say.
The Wednesday vote called for the red-light camera program to be officially halted July 31, the Los Angeles Times reported.
More than
180,000 motorists have been ticketed since the beginning of the program in 2004. Unlike moving citations given by police officers on site, red-light camera tickets are mailed to the registered owners of vehicles cited.
The City Council's decision came after a similar vote by the city police commission to drop the 32-camera program because of
the difficulty in collecting fines.
Los Angeles officials say that fines from red-light camera citations are essentially "voluntary" and that there are effectively no substantial consequences for non-payment.
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