Just mark out the parts you do not like. Both American political parties pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they want to enforce on any given day. |
Cain: I’ll attack Iran if it ‘messes with Israel’
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain says he would attack Iran to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons or to respond to aggression against Israel the Washington Times reports.
Asked if he agreed with former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton’s contention that the “only realistic alternative … is to use force preemptively against Iran’s nuclear weapons program” since diplomacy has failed, Mr. Cain said.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain speaks with reporters and editors during an interview Monday at The Washington Times |
Cain said that, as commander-in-chief, he would “make it crystal clear [that] if you mess with Israel, you’re messing with the United States of America.”
However, if Israel is ever attacked first by Iran, he said he is “not going to sit back and get a vote from the United Nations as to what we ought to do.”
“If they [Iran] start lobbing rockets and stuff over at Israel, then we’re going to shoot back with Israel,” he said.
Liberal or Conservative - The Constitution is Dead
Yes, that sound you hear is our Federalist Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves.
So-called "Conservative" Herman Cain is happy to go to war based on the powers of the President alone. In ignoring the Constitution, Cain is a mainsteam American politician.
Conservative or Liberal, it does not matter. Neither wing of the one Socialist Party that rules America really gives a damn about the Founders and the Constitution. Proof of that can be seen by all but the blind in just the last few weeks.
GOP Senator Mitch McConnell is happy to give away the Constitutionally granted Congressional power to spend and borrow money to the President. Why? McConnell said it would be good 2012 politics.
The Democrat Socialist President and his boot-licking allies went to war against Libya, ignored the Constitution and the right of Congress to declare war. The Republican Socialists in their turn did nothing about it knowing that some day they will be in charge and they too can ignore the Constitution.
This is a little game each side plays to fool the Sheeple voters. Each side in their turn pretends to be outraged at the other side, but nothing meaningful is ever done. The one thing that is done is each faction holds press conferences to influence the simple minded voters back home who still believe the lies of the Beltway Elite Ruling Class.
Our Founders created a system of checks and balances to prevent the rise of an Elite in Washington. What the Founders did not plan on was having two monopoly political factions working together to "game" the system and grow their combined power.
And the insanity goes on and on.
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