

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The giant sucking sound of jobs leaving America

Thanks to  Frankenstein Government  for this blast from the past.

Years ago, when Ross Perot was running for President, he said free trade agreements would be the end of America. That "sucking sound" he called it. In fact Perot said, "it would wreck America." The wreck is here.

Ross Perot was right. So now that we've lost 15-25 million jobs to cheap foreign labor, just who is going to fuel the engine of growth? The illusion that we can spend our way out of debt is based on one single axiom. Growth. Growth is the engine that has allowed the U.S. to escape every economic downturn. So with the absence of all of those consumer purchasing, tax paying jobs, just how are we going to work our way out of debt?

Answer. We can't. In the past, we could spend our way out of debt. Easy credit greased and fueled growth. But we have lost all of our jobs- our ability to grow. That's why there is no end in sight.

View the Perot prophecy here: (remember this was 20 years ago)

Video  -  Giant Sucking Sound - Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate

Free Trade is a Myth

By Gary;

Looking back let me add that Ross Perot was right in 1992 about the sucking sound of jobs leaving the USA.  But the two corrupt ruling political parties in America and their lap-dog Media closed ranks and told the voters that Perot was "crazy" and you were wasting your vote. 

Free trade is a myth that exists in a classroom but nowhere else on earth.

China is a good example. 

The trade is not "free" when the Communist government of China uses the police power of the state to prevent the formation of labor unions, helps businesses run "legal" sweat shops, where there are no pollution laws, where there are companies owned by the Communist government of China, other companies that are partnerships of private business and the Communist Party,  where the state manipulates the currency to put their competitors out of business, and where the Communists subsidize businesses that directly compete with American companies.

Free trade cannot exist with a Communist Party dictatorship. 

But you can have Fair Trade agreements where those many factors in China and other nations are addressed using tariffs to even the playing field.

Frankenstein Government

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