

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Employees can be FIRED for “misgendering”

(Natural News) City employees in Dallas who fail to use a person’s “preferred pronouns” can now be terminated from their jobs thanks to new rules put forth by the Dallas City Council.

The “Workplace Gender Transition Protocols & FAQ” or “toolkit,” as they are calling it, claims that there are many different ways in which a person can choose to identify as a “transgender.”

“Transition may include ‘coming out’ (telling family, friends, and coworkers), changing the name and / or sex on legal documents, and / or accessing medical treatment such as hormones and / or surgery,” it states.

This “coming out” caveat means that even if a male who still looks male in every way suddenly decides to self-identify as a “female,” everyone else around this person must refer to the male as “female” or else face repercussions and punishment.

The new guidelines stipulate that all city employees are “expected to respectfully use the transitioning employee’s preferred name and pronouns, regardless of whether or not they ‘believe in,’ approve of, or accept an individual’s right to be transgender or undergo a gender transition.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nope nope nope... I'd just sit back and draw my unemployment.... Do my damndest to flame the "woke" company and spend all y time trying to drive a stake through their heart....