

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

RFK Jr.: “I would put a statue of Snowden in Washington … Assange I’m going to pardon on Day 1”


Trump Did Nothing
  • Trump was a total failure in many ways. But two of his most serious failures were to not pardon Snowden or Assange. Why do Trump supporters think he will change?

(Natural News) It appears we finally have a true American patriot running for president in 2024 who just might be lots of talk plus action rather than all talk and no action like his predecessors.

That patriot is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy who, like his uncle, is rattling many cages in Washington, D.C., as he embarks on winning the White House next year as a Democrat – but not just any Democrat.

Kennedy barely even resembles your modern-day Democrat, in fact. He wants to close America’s porous southern border, secure free and fair elections, end censorship, promote health freedom, and pardon two heroes who were unfairly targeted by the deep state for telling the truth: Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

“What Snowden released, nobody in our country knew about it, that the intelligence agencies were mining all of our data and spying on Americans,” Kennedy said

“Remember the Congress didn’t know? I remember members of Congress calling me and saying ‘tell me what’s going on. I’m on the intelligence committee and I haven’t heard this,'” the host said in agreement with Kennedy’s statements.

“Yeah, and Congress then went and acted on what he told them to change the rules. I mean, how are you making this guy a criminal? He’s an American hero. Yeah, I am going to pardon those guys up front. I’m going to look at their cases, Assange, I’m going to pardon him, number one.”

More . . . .

“Clinton denounced us and said we were an attack on the entire ‘international community.’ We kept publishing.”

Julian Assange

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