

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, April 1, 2019

Elizabeth Warren: Fans Race Hate against ‘400 Richest Americans'

Playing The Race Card
For Communism
From open borders to Marxism the
Left has gone ape shit nuts

(CNSNews) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D.-Mass.) tweeted out a video on Friday afternoon in which she argues for imposing a tax on the “richest” Americans, which she says would provide the government with the revenue needed for a down payment on a Green New Deal and to subsidize new benefits for middle-class families, including “universal childcare.”
“The 400 richest Americans currently own more wealth than all black American households combined,” said Warren in the tweeted video.
“America is the richest it has ever been. But the wealthy and the well-connected have rigged the system so that they scoop up a huge chunk of what our economy produces,” she says. “The richest 130,000 families in America right now hold about the same amount of wealth as the bottom 117 million families combined.”
“My ultra-millionaire tax would apply to the richest Americans, those with over $50 million in wealth,” Warren said.
“We could provide universal child care,” she said. “We could do a down payment on a Green New Deal. Or Medicare for all.”
In a Tweet that included this video, Warren said: “We’re the richest nation in the history of the world. But the wealthy and the well-connected rig the system to benefit themselves. An #UltraMillionaireTax on the wealthiest 0.1% of Americans would level the playing field for everyone.”

Here is the text of the video that Sen. Warren tweeted today:
“The 400 richest Americans currently own more wealth than all black American households combined. America is the richest it has ever been. But the wealthy and the well-connected have rigged the system so that they scoop up a huge chunk of what our economy produces. The richest 130,000 families in America right now hold about the same amount of wealth as the bottom 117 million families combined.
“And, meanwhile, tens of millions of families are at the edge of a financial cliff. Wages have barely budged in decades as the cost of housing, health care, education, childcare have just soared through the roof. But we can level the playing field. My ultra-millionaire tax would apply to the richest Americans, those with over $50 million in wealth. This tax would affect only the richest—and, I mean, the richest—people in our country. Roughly about 75,000 households. It would bring in about $2.75 trillion in just ten years.
“We could help millions of Americans who are getting crushed by student loan debt. We could provide universal child care. We could do a down payment on a Green New Deal. Or Medicare for all. We need to invest in the middle class so the next kid with a big new idea has a chance to create a great company or discover a life-saving drug.
“No matter what any billionaire says, that’s not radical. That’s fair and that’s right. Show this video if you believe it’s time that the wealthiest in this country pay their fair share.”
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