

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 13, 2023

Banks are SHUTTING DOWN (People Losing Their Money)

Fucked By The Federal Reserve
  • The Fed sucked off both Trump and Biden and printed trillions to pump up & overheat the economy. Now the Fed is deliberately tanking the economy.
  • Will this be the trigger to collapse the banks?

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is a signal that a Banking Crisis and Depression could hit the US economy in 2023. And the Fed is to blame. Because over the last six months Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve have been sucking money out of the system. The growth in Money Supply (M2) is now officially contracting. Something that has only happened 4 times before in US History. Each time it has happened there was a resulting Depression and Banking Crisis. But what makes the current environment in 2023 even more concerning is that the Fed removed Reserve Requirements for banks during the pandemic. And have not reinstated them. Normally the reserve requirement is 10%. Meaning that the Federal Reserve is not requiring banks to hold cash reserves right now. Something that can cause a banking crisis like we're seeing at Silicon Valley Bank. And something that could also trigger a more widespread depression. Because every time the money supply has contracted over the last 150 years (only 4 times), a deflationary depression has followed.

The Banking Collapse Has Begun

1 comment:

Armand Vaquer said...

One effect has already begun. Silver's spot price rocketed up nearly $1.00/toz this morning.
