

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 6, 2023

'Insane' GOP Bill Requires Bloggers To Register With The State

People are so fucking stupid
There is just one thing that I hate more than Marxist scum - - - - and that is brainless, ball-less, spineless, dipshit "Conservative" Republicans.
Sadly 90% of elected Republicans are Socialist Lite.

(Newsweek)  Former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed a Florida Republican lawmaker for introducing legislation that would require political bloggers to register with the state.

State Senator Jason Brodeur filed a bill last week that would require bloggers who are covering political figures in Florida—including the governor, lieutenant governor, Cabinet or state legislators—to register with the state and report whether they received compensation for their posts.

The bill has drawn criticism from free speech advocates, who have warned that it would eat away at the constitutionally-protected right to freedom of speech and press. It is the latest bill introduced by Florida Republicans to spark First Amendment concerns. Brodeur has defended the bill, saying that paid bloggers equate to lobbyists and should therefore be required to report their compensation.

Gingrich joined the growing list of critics who have taken issue with the bill on Sunday. He took to Twitter to demand Brodeur withdraw the bill, describing it as "insane."

"The idea that bloggers criticizing a politician should register with the government is insane. it is an embarrassment that it is a Republican state legislator in Florida who introduced a bill to that effect. He should withdraw it immediately," he tweeted.

More . . .


Dan said...

What surprises me is that this is coming from a "GOP" critter. It's generally the commie left that comes up with abusive insanity like this.

Gary said...

As a believer in FREEDOM I left the Socialist, open borders GOP 20 years ago. I refuse to lick the boots of Traitors to the Republic just because they have a "R" after their name.