

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Great Reset bread made from insect “flour”

Getting Screwed by Globalism

(Natural News) Just weeks after the unelected European Commission approved numerous species of crickets and other insects as “food” throughout the European Union (EU), an Italian bakery known as Tellia decided to start producing cricket bread for the consumer market.

Enrico Murdocco, the baker who runs Tellia, a local restaurant chain in Turin, told the Italian media this week that he recently experimented with a mixture of ground-up crickets and Sicilian grain, the latter of which he says helped to “soften the flavor” of the former.

Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, quoted Murdocco as stating that he is really happy with the outcome of this cricket flour blend and how it turned out after baking, including “the crust and the range of flavors,” which he described as being reminiscent of hazelnut.

Murdocco is excited about the prospect of EU regulators soon allowing a local farm to produce crickets for the Tellia bakery. Cricket powder will be imported from Vietnam and sold not only as animal food but also as flour for human consumption.

“I want to put my bread in production at the beginning of March,” Murdocco said, adding that higher production costs and the prospect of the new bread having to be custom-made will result in each kilogram costing as much as $22. “I am aware that it will be a niche product.”


BBC pushing insects as food


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