

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, February 16, 2023

GOP & Dems Push Internet ID Cards Using Porn as The Excuse

Think of the Children
Think of the Children - the rallying cry of every political hack who ever worshiped the authoritarian power of a centralized, all-powerful, Big Brother State.
Both parties join forces to sneak in Internet ID cards using "protecting" children as the excuse.

Sixteen state governments either plan to or have enacted legitimate age verification requirements to access pornography sites in an effort to protect children from the harmful content.

As Breitbart News reported, Louisiana became the first state in the union to require a government ID to access sites with a “substantial portion” (33.3 percent or more) of the site having pornographic material.

Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, Florida, South Dakota, Mississippi, and Kansas have all introduced bill similar to Louisiana’s, while Texas, South Carolina, Minnesota, Oregon, Oklahoma, Utah, Arizona, and Missouri have either other methods or plan to introduce other verification requirements.

Virginia’s bill passed the Democrat-majority Senate, and bills across the country are seeing broad bipartisan support.

More . . .

Boobs and Social Credit Scores
So-called "small government" Republican legislatures have joined with Marxist Democrats to introduce ID cards to use the Internet - - - and if you don't obey your Masters your card will be suspended.

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