

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Owen Benjamin || Forgive The Student Debts

The Road to Serfdom

Both Democrats and Republicans have created a new class of Serfdom.  They drive up college costs with Socialistic Federal subsidies and then make it illegal to go bankrupt on student loans.

That leaves students as near wage-slaves for decades on end in the service of government loans.  Miss a payment or two and interest and penalties will eat you alive.

There is no Free Market in the industry we call higher education, and it is an industry like any other.  Endless government subsidies and loans allow education administrators to ignore the laws of supply and demand and keep jacking up tuition.

See more at Owen Benjamin


Anonymous said...

Sorry.. I disagree. Yes, these students were "coherenced" into this Used-Car deal. AND, I do agree that students who were talked into these useless degrees SHOULD be able to nail the schools and their "financial/guidance counselors"... AND, I would agree to the Govt taking on the paper and granting either zero interest or at least the rate the Fed charges the bank. But to FORGIVE all the debt.... just teaches the students that Uncle Sugar will bail them out in the future (and this taxpayer is damn tired of working JUST to pay taxes (this gravy-train is gonna stop from this end).

Gary said...

The entire education-government complex is corrupt to the core. I don't like the indentured servitude aspect. In debt to the "company store" for decades.