

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Thursday, February 3, 2022

School Children Forced To Apologize to Black Kids For Their Skin Color

Democratic Neo-Nazism
The Democrat Party is totally obsessed with sex and race to the point that Hitler would be proud.

  • Democrats are Goose-stepping at every level of society to place racial tags on every American and whip up hatred between races.
  • Judge no one by their ability or character say Democrats . . . judge them only by the quality of their BLOOD and RACE.
  • If you are a member of a government "approved race" you will get a job or entrance into the right schools.

(Newswars)  A 5th grade teacher working in the North Penn School District made white elementary school children apologize to black kids for their skin color, according to irate parents.

The sensational claim was made during a school board meeting by the mother of a child who attends AM Kulp Elementary School.

“I actually pulled my daughter out of AM Kulp because of the 5th grade teacher who lined those students up, from whitest to darkest,” she said.

“(The teacher) made them turn around and made the white ones apologize to the black ones – now do not tell me that did not happen in this district,” the mother added.

“You need to put an end to this. Kids do not see color and you are segregating them and you are separating them. This is not OK. Do something or get out of those damn chairs!” she concluded.

The mother’s complaint was bolstered by a further claim by another individual at the meeting who described how the same teacher forced children to take part in a ‘privilege walk’ multiple times.

“This board has repeatedly denied an activity that has taken place at AM Kulp Elementary…it happened in the courtyard…not once but four times,” said the speaker.

“A teacher…lined the students up on the wall, asked them to step forward if their parents were married, step forward if their parents were college educated, step forward if they own a cellphone or an iPhone, step forward if their skin color resembled a band aid, step forward if they had an in-ground pool.”

Explaining that multiple different parents had told him that this had happened, the speaker also related how the teacher in question “also added at one point when she asked about a band aid with a mini-megaphone, the teacher told the student to get back on the wall because her parents were from India.”

The speaker finished by accusing the school board of falsely denying that such events were taking place.

North Penn School District appears to be riddled with activist teachers intent on indoctrinating children.


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