

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

“Remove Books By Whites” says NPR Contributor

More Anti-White Racism
The insane drum beat of anti-white 
racism grows louder and louder

Juan Vidal, a radical alt-left writer who contributes to deranged anti-Trump websites like The Daily Beast and Rolling Stone, published an article on NPR’s website demanding that white people “decolonize” their bookshelves by removing all books written by white people and requiring they be replaced with books that are written by people of color.

In removing those books, Vidal leaves no explanation what to do with them, but we all know what he means. This radical left “anti-fascist” writer is advocating for modern day book burning of content from a specific racial or ethnic group, the same exact thing that Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered done during the Third Reich, where “literary garbage” and books of “un-German” origin were set ablaze.
Vidal: If you are white, take a moment to examine your bookshelf. What do you see? What books and authors have you allowed to influence your worldview, and how you process the issues of racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised? Have you considered that, if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat?
Vidal also goes on to say that white people need to “silence” themselves before actually consuming literature by people of color.
Anti-racist books will only do a person good if they silence themselves first and enter into the reading — provided they care enough to do so.

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