

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, June 3, 2024

Dems pass 3 slave reparations bills

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

The California state Senate passed three reparations bills on Tuesday, advancing a broader legislative effort to provide restitution to descendants of slaves. 

The bills passed this week are part of more than a dozen reparations bills proposed by the California Legislative Black Caucus earlier this year, ABC7 reported. The bills "issue an apology to Black Californians for the state's role in instituting slave laws and discriminatory practices since its founding," the outlet wrote. The bills will now head to the California State Assembly for votes. 

California introduced a package of reparations bills in January that would give property compensation and cash payouts to the descendants of slaves and other Black Californians. The assembly voted down previous bills on the issue, including one which would have provided homeownership aid and another which would have offered property tax relief for descendants of slaves, according to ABC7.


Democrats to Tax Immigrants to Buy Black Votes

If your family came to America AFTER slavery ended in 1865, then Marxist Democrats want to tax you to buy the votes of Blacks.

 If your people came from Mexico, Ireland, Japan, India, Africa, China or Vietnam you are royally fucked.

Not all Blacks were Slaves

Leftist loons would tax the descendants of free Blacks of the North who fought in the Civil War to end slavery. Then the Leftists would give the money right back to them as "reparations" - - - - never mind that they were free to start with and not slaves.
But let's be honest, reparations has nothing to do with slavery. It is pure race bating, vote buying and Marxist wealth redistribution. 
Nothing more. Nothing less.

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