

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

GENOCIDE - Now Blacks Cause Climate Change

Black Genocide in the 
Name of the Environment

The corrupt Elites are obsessed with killing Blacks both inside and outside of the womb

(Natural News)  Climate insanity has reached new heights as a new study that breaks down the impact of the breathing of different races and genders on the planet has found Africans and women to have particularly problematic breath.

The idea that anyone felt this was a study worth conducting is unsettling, but it should come as no surprise as depopulation is one of the climate change alarmists’ favored methods of addressing environmental problems.

The new peer-reviewed study, which was published in the journal PLOS ONE, is entitled “Measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath and the development of U.K. scale emissions.” With a focus on emissions of the two chemicals by people, the study involved collecting breath samples from 104 volunteers. Putting the ludicrous concept of this study aside, it doesn't take a research expert to understand that 104 volunteers are not going to serve as a good representative sample of the population of the United Kingdom.

The study found that humans “contribute to global warming” when they breathe, exhaling greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane 16 times per minute. Humans are given the same label as cows, “methane producers,” and the study found that our mere existence is contributing to the problems facing our environment.

The study can also be interpreted as being racist and sexist as it claims that African people are more likely to warm the planet via their breaths than individuals in other ethnic groups. Furthermore, women have a greater likelihood than men to be methane producers (MP).

“It has been reported in previous studies that region of birth or ethnicity is a strong indicator of the likelihood to be an MP, with African populations much more likely to be MPs than Asian populations,” the study insists.

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