

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, April 14, 2023

WOKE - Cleopatra was Black says Netflix documentary

So Sad It's Pathetic
  • Why are leftist Woketard African Americans obsessed about making a 2,000 year old Greek queen into a Black? What possible impact could it have on their lives?
  • While it is possible Cleopatra's Greek father might have taken and Egyptian bride, she would have come from the high upper classes of society. It is doubtful she would have had meaningful sub-Saharan Black ancestry.  But even if she did, who gives a crap?

A documentary on the life and tumultuous times of Queen Cleopatra is on the horizon for Netflix with the planned docuseries veering from accepted historical wisdom by changing the subject’s ethnicity. 

The documentary appears to propose the case Cleopatra was a black woman with several of the commentators featured in the film arguing Cleopatra could potentially be of African descent instead of Greek.

Queen Cleopatra, produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, details her life as a “warrior” and a ruler of “unparalleled power,” according to the trailer:

“It’s possible that she was an Egyptian,” one commentator in the documentary said.

“I imagine her to have curly hair like me and a similar skin color,” another concurred.

 “I remember my grandmother saying to me, ‘I don’t care what they tell you in school, Cleopatra was black,’” yet another commentator added.

The Daily Caller has documented dissenting voices that question the proposition Queen Cleopatra had African descent.

“Cleopatra VII was white—of Macedonian descent, as were all of the Ptolemy rulers, who lived in Egypt,” Kathryn Bard, professor of archaeology and classical studies at Boston University, said as Newsweek reported, according to the outlet.

“We know who her father was,” Gerald Kadish, teaching professor emeritus of history and Near Eastern studies at Binghamton University is also quoted as saying.

“He was certainly not Black. None of her siblings [were] anything but Greco-Macedonian.”

Kadish, however, acknowledged potential debate over her mother’s origins.

More . . . .

Greek - Not Black

The Berlin Cleopatra, a Roman sculpture of Cleopatra wearing a royal diadem, mid-1st century BC (around the time of her visits to Rome in 46–44 BC).

Elizabeth Taylor, the only true Cleopatra
The Ptolemaic Kingdom was an Ancient Greek state based in Egypt during the Hellenistic Period. It was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.

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