

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

President Trump's Facebook Page Censored - GOP is SILENT

Late at night you can hear the Goosestepping

  • Shadow Banning of The Federalist Blog.  My small-time hobby Blog has been growing steadily since 2011 finally hitting the 4 million page view mark this year. 
  • After reaching 3,000 to 5,000 pages viewed daily I suddenly drop to 700 pages viewed. . . . this is a level I have not been at in years.
  • If they will openly fuck Trump's Facebook page you can bet your bottom dollar the Elites have no problem shoving my stories somewhere down to about page 18,915 in any given Google search.
  • Naturally the "Conservative" GOP is silent about censorship.

(The Gateway Pundit)  -  Since the 2016 election Facebook has been cracking down on conservative and pro-Trump content.

Top conservative websites have seen a stunning drop in their Facebook traffic.
This was no accident. This was the plan.
In January 2017, Facebook began making algorithm changes to make sure conservative news was no longer so influential. The Gateway Pundit Facebook traffic has consistently decreased with each algorithm change.
A March 2018 study by The Outline organization found conservative publishers were hit the hardest by Facebook algorithm changes. The study also showed that The Gateway Pundit was hit the hardest.
In March 2018 Western Journal also published a study that found conservative publishers were hit the hardest by the recent Facebook algorithm changes. The report found that liberal publishers actually saw a 2 percent increase in traffic. Conservative publishers lost an average of 14 percent in traffic.
Facebook official Campbell Brown, a former anchor on NBC and CNN, told attendees at a recent technology and publishing conference that Facebook would be censoring news publishers based on its own internal biases. And they did.
Read More . . . .

Youtube Purge Hits Conservative and Right Wing Channels

Hitler-Level Censorship

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