

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, February 14, 2025

You Are Paying for Transgender Animal Experiments

(Gateway Pundit)  White Coat Waste, an organization aimed at stopping cruel and wasteful taxpayer-funded vivisection, has identified 15 active National Institutes of Health grants paying for transgender animal experiments, amounting to a total taxpayer cost of over $26 million.

Many of these transgender animal grants were coded in the NIH’s “Sexual and Gender Minorities” category — a category routinely used to route diversity equity and inclusion grants — which accounted for approximately $373 million of spending in 2023.

One experiment at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, cost Uncle Sam $668,250 — a sum well spent while studying whether mice receiving so-called ”gender-affirming hormone therapy responded well to treatments for kidney failure.

At the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, $2,587,605 has been spent since 2019 turning mice transgender to study testosterone treatment on “reproductive phenotype and function and determine the reversibility of these effects following cessation” of the hormone.

In Oregon, $9,738,868 has been spent at Health & Science University to “expand and improve knowledge of the developmental and neurobiological determinants of sexual partner preferences/orientation using domestic sheep as the experimental model.” The goal was to turn rams gay by controlling testosterone secretion by the fetal testes.

More . . . .

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