

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Coronavirus "Panic" is a Media Driven Hoax - Part III

U.S Population

Coronavirus Infections

Percent Infected

By Gary;

We are the victims of perhaps the greatest media driven hoax in all history.

The math does not lie.

One percent of the U.S. population is 3.2 million people.

Statistically some 27,151 infections hardly registers as a blip. In fact it is virtually ZERO

But the corrupt corporate media machine slams us 24-7 that Corona is on par with the Black Death.  

We are all going to die so keep watching our channel so we can sell advertising.

The fact of the matter is the corrupt media multi-national corporations from Fox and CNN on down have seen their viewers flee by the millions to watch free and independent internet based news. That is why they have partnered with Silicon Valley to censor and shadowban independent internet news.

All of the corporate owned channels view the Coronavirus as an opportunity to panic the public in an attempt to get viewers to return to watching their channels - - - and to make a ton of cash in selling advertising while they are at it.

Long term this will fail. The old line corporations have lost their monopoly. The internet genie is out of the bottle. People now have real choices for entertainment and news.

As for me, except for Tucker Carlson, I refuse to watch multi-national owned corporate news. They can take their swill and propaganda and shove it.

The corrupt media machine
creates panic for ratings

“People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.” 
― Jess C. Scott

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