

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Little Monday Music - Summer Fun With Jimmy Buffett

We Parrotheads are a strange breed.  Half pagan, half party animal, half class clown and 100% totally insane. 

Jimmy's passing this last year at age 76 was a blow.  Since the 1974 song "Come Monday" Jimmy had always been there with me. 

But all things must pass.

I am reminded of shopping a few months ago and a totally obscure Buffett song was playing in the store. I did not even know it was on, but I found myself singing along out loud word for word.

Parrotheads understand. Buffett's greatest hits album was titled:  Songs You Know by Heart. We did know those songs by heart and we sang along at every concert.

Jimmy was a Master Poet and a creator of dreams.

Jimmy once said, "I'm not a great guitar player or a great singer, but I'm a great Jimmy Buffett."

Thanks for the memories.


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