

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, May 31, 2024

Marxist Dems Find Trump "Guilty"

The Death of the Republic

By Gary;

The United States is filled with TRAITORS.

The Marxist show trial of Trump is just the obvious symptom of a rotten system.

I am angry at the Marxist Democrats for openly pissing on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights while having their Red Shirt terrorist thugs burn down cities.

But I am much more angry at the traitor Globalist Republicans who weekly vote with the Marxists to fuck over Americans.

For example, both parties recently voted together to spy on the American people without a warrant.

Neither party gives a shit about us peasants. Both parties are only loyal to their Globalist Masters.

Only the peasants stand with Trump. The elected Republicans are warmongering, backstabbing liars.

Donald Trump GUILTY On All 34 Counts! Sentencing, Comments & Maybe Tim Pool Gets His Civil War Now..

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Destroy all forests says Bill Gates

Madness: Clearcutting

Gates: We must destroy the forests to save the planet

Bill Gates and other globalist billionaires are now investing in newly established climate companies like Kodama Systems to harvest and bury one billion tons of "biomass" to "save the planet." 

Millions of trees, which provide us with oxygen and could have been valuable timber, will be buried instead. This will lead to soaring prices for timber, firewood, pulp, and other wood products as a consequence. The mostly deliberately set forest fires around the world this summer are now being used as a primary argument for deforestation. 

The destruction of American forests "for the sake of climate" is being led by a Chinese professor. Along with tree planting on arable land and economic incentives for farmers to switch to "Carbon farming" instead of food production,  the already strained global food production will soon no longer be able to feed the world's population.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest globalists, is now funding a new initiative to “combat global warming” and “save the planet.” Gates’ organization, Breakthrough Energy, has invested $6.6 million in the project led by a company called Kodama Systems, founded in 2021. 

The plan is to harvest no less than 70 million acres of forest, mostly in the western United States. After mass harvesting, the millions of trees will be buried in the ground so that no one can use them. This is because climate alarmists believe that “burying trees will reduce global warming” as it prevents them from releasing carbon dioxide into the air.


Theodore Roosevelt in Yosemite

"Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance."

Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Warrior Woman Wednesday - Batgirl

Screw The "News"
I'm Blue Pilling it with Warrior Women

  • Damn, it feels good taking the Blue Pill, ignoring the news and losing myself in SciFi and Fantasy.

  • I say let the War-Pigs burn Ukraine and the Middle East to the fucking ground and start World War III. The liar politicians don't care so why should I give a shit?
  • I refuse to be a puppet on the strings of the corrupt media complex. I will not dance on command to their latest propaganda.

Batgirl is the name of several fictional superheroines appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, depicted as female counterparts and allies to the superhero Batman

The character Betty Kane was introduced into publication in 1961 by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff as Bat-Girl, and was replaced in 1967 by Barbara Gordon, who became the iconic Batgirl. 

The character debuted in Detective Comics #359 (January 1967) by writer Gardner Fox and artist Carmine Infantino, introduced as the niece/adoptive daughter of police commissioner James Gordon.

Batgirl in chains
Yes, some of us have been there on long lonely nights.

WWIII - NATO To Deploy Troops To Ukraine


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Homeland Security, Department of Defense Sued for Censorship

Government and Corporations work together to censor speech

(Natural News)  Memorial Day, 2024: On the same day that we honor our ancestors and fallen soldiers who fought for the fundamental freedoms upon which our constitutional republic is based, we are filing suit against an array of Big Tech platforms, overseas NGOs and Big Government departments, all of which we assert have been deliberately weaponized to silence the free speech of Americans.

The lawsuit, filed in Federal court -- the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas (Austin Division) -- explains, "The United States has been helping identify, pay for, and facilitate private corporations’ suppression of Americans' free speech." The suit presents conclusive evidence that reveals U.S. government departments specifically naming Brighteon, Natural News and the Health Ranger for censorship targeting.

The lawsuit is filed as civil action 24-cv-00576, filed on 5/27/2024. It can be viewed at this link on Natural News servers.

The complaint lays out the global coordination of a vast censorship industrial complex involving government entities, Big Tech platforms and private NGOs such as the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the Global Disinformation Index, and other similar entities. The suit also references ten "Joe Doe" defendants whose identities shall be revealed during discovery.

More . . .

- Historic lawsuit against big tech for censoring free speech. (0:01)
- Government-funded censorship through proxy organizations overseas. (4:58)
- US gov't funding censorship of conservative voices on social media. (14:29)
- Legal case against social media companies for censorship and violating constitutional rights. (19:47)
- Censorship and free speech on social media platforms. (25:31)
- Censorship by social media companies, including Twitter and Facebook, with a focus on Elon Musk's admission of censorship and (31:40)
- Censorship and free speech on social media platforms. (38:16)
- Government censorship, free speech, and the importance of stopping it. (45:07)
- Government censorship and its impact on free speech and business. (50:37)
- Free speech lawsuit against big tech companies. (57:57)
- Free speech, censorship, and health products. (1:04:13)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Happy Decoration Day (Memorial Day)

Former slave and Grand Army of the Republic 
Member Charles H. Anderson, age 92, 
Photo about 1936-38.

The Other Greatest Generation

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. 

The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans founded in Decatur, Illinois, established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the Union war dead with flowers. 

By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.

The first widely publicized observance of a Memorial Day-type observance after the Civil War was in Charleston, South Carolina, on May 1, 1865. During the war, Union soldiers who were prisoners of war had been held at the Hampton Park Race Course in Charleston; at least 257 Union prisoners died there and were hastily buried in unmarked graves. 
Together with teachers and missionaries, black residents of Charleston organized a May Day ceremony in 1865, which was covered by the New York Tribune and other national papers. The freedmen cleaned up and landscaped the burial ground, building an enclosure and an arch labeled "Martyrs of the Race Course". Nearly 10,000 people, mostly freedmen, gathered on May 1 to commemorate the war dead. Involved were about 3,000 school children, newly enrolled in freedmen's schools, as well as mutual aid societies, Union troops, black ministers and white northern missionaries. Most brought flowers to lay on the burial field.
David W. Blight described the day:
This was the first Memorial Day. African Americans invented Memorial Day in Charleston, South Carolina. What you have there is black Americans recently freed from slavery announcing to the world with their flowers, their feet, and their songs what the war had been about. What they basically were creating was the Independence Day of a Second American Revolution.

How tiny and corrupt our modern 
politicians look in comparison.

Gettysburg Address

General John Logan
General Logan proclaimed the first "Decoration Day" to honor the fallen soldiers of the American Civil War.  

He served the state of Illinois as a State Senator, a Congressman, a U.S. Senator and was an unsuccessful candidate for Vice President of the United States with James G. Blaine in the election of 1884.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Femmes with Firearms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Warrior Woman Wednesday

Screw The "News"
I'm Blue Pilling it with Warrior Women

  • Damn, it feels good taking the Blue Pill, ignoring the news and losing myself in SciFi and Fantasy.

  • I say let the War-Pigs burn Ukraine and the Middle East to the fucking ground and start World War III. The liar politicians don't care so why should I give a shit?
  • I refuse to be a puppet on the strings of the corrupt media complex. I will not dance on command to their latest propaganda.