

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Saturday Sultress - Amanda Tapping

Amanda Tapping (born 28 August 1965) is a British-Canadian actress and director. She is best known for portraying Samantha Carter in the Canadian–American military science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe. 

She also starred as Helen Magnus in the science fiction-fantasy television series Sanctuary.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Femmes with Firearms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

An urgent update on wars, GOLD, BRICS...

Andy Schectman joins Mike Adams with urgent update on wars, GOLD, BRICS, de-dollarization and world financial panic

Gold coin of Alexander the Great

The Empire of Alexander died with him in 323BC, but his gold coins still retain their value today.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Government officials threaten citizens with arrest for rescuing people


Many of the roads in western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina are so wrecked from Hurricane Helene that rescue crews are still unable to access the people who are trapped there, at least with wheels. However, the authorities do not want private citizens trying to rescue trapped folks with their own private helicopters, which begs the question why?

A guy named Jordan Seidhom shared the story on social media of what he encountered while trying to rescue people with his private helicopter. Authorities told him to suspend all operations and let anyone else he knows with their own private helicopters to do the same, threatening arrest if they disobey the orders.

"At the time of this post I was the only helicopter within 40 miles working," Seidhom wrote in a Facebook post. "I am unsure of the guys [sic] name but he had on a lake lure fire department shirt."

At the risk of talking badly about first responders, Seidhom clarified that he is not trying to cause any trouble and simply wants to help. He is confused why the government does not want private citizens helping in much-needed rescue operations, especially since the government itself is having trouble doing the job.

"I was extracting a lady from a collapsing mountain side and Due [sic] to the unstable environment I left my copilot on the ground to stay with the husband. When she was brought to safety I was instructed that if I returned to get either person the husband or my copilot, I would be arrested."

More on NaturalNews.com

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Warrior Woman Wednesday


The Hunger Games accurately predicted a corrupt and decadent Elite who lived in extreme wealth while the people were at near starvation.

Screw The "News"
I'm Blue Pilling it with Warrior Women

  • Damn, it feels good taking the Blue Pill, ignoring the news and losing myself in SciFi and Fantasy.

  • I say let the War-Pigs burn Ukraine to the fucking ground and start World War III. The liar politicians don't care so why should I give a shit?
  • I refuse to be a puppet on the strings of the corrupt media complex. I will not dance on command to their latest propaganda.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Doomsday Preppers & Hurricane Helene

Suddenly that "Crazy" uncle at Thanksgiving does not look that crazy

More at Bitchute.com

Alligators Swim Through Florida Streets After Hurricane

Several reports of alligators swimming through residential areas in Sarasota, Florida, emerged after Hurricane Helene hit the Sunshine State.

In a news broadcast on Thursday night, ABC News warned residents not to venture out in flood waters after receiving reports of alligators swimming through flooded streets.

The ABC News reporter further shared that her producer spotted an alligator in a flooded area.

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida posted a video on X of an alligator swimming in a residential area and wrote, “Beware of Hurricane Alligators.”

The Gateway Pundit.com