

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Monday, March 13, 2023

US has a zombie economy

The Zombie Economy
  • The U.S. sits on a 500 mile high mountain of debt. Meanwhile the BRICS nations are moving toward a currency backed by a Gold Style Standard.
  • There will be a trigger event imploding the dollar. Maybe it just happened with the collapse of Silicone Valley Bank - - - - or maybe it happens next month. Be ready.

(Natural News) For Health Ranger Mike Adams, the American economy in its current state is just a zombie economy. Consumer demand is collapsing, and individuals and businesses alike are being driven by stimulus money or funds given by the government to keep the economy going.

“It’s a zombie stock market. It’s a reanimated financial zombie. It is not a functioning system,” Adams said during the September 18 edition of “Health Ranger Report: Situation Update.” In reality, he added, people are running out of money and the stock market has been propped up by the Federal Reserve by printing money to buy stocks.

More at Natural News

The Health Ranger pointed out that the U.S. has a zombie economy where the Fed prints money and hands it to people to buy stuff. But even this move can’t keep the corporations propped up enough, so the Fed buys the stocks of the corporations to prevent their stock prices from crashing.

“But in the real world, real economic activity is collapsing across the board and various sectors are greatly impacted by the currency crash,” said Adams. People are aware that everybody is running out of money. Even the stimulus money has run out.

The Health Ranger, a well-known prepper, reminded his podcast listeners to prepare and find valuable things to invest in before the entire money system collapses into oblivion. Because when that time comes, the banks will have bail-ins and will not allow their clients to take out their savings.

“I do not want to have any cash in the banks when the music stops. We’re going to lose all that cash. The bank will give it back to you slowly over time as the dollar just collapses in value. So basically, it’s gone,” Adams pointed out.

He recommended buying gold and silver, land and some other hard assets.

More . . .

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